Tuesday, 23 February 2016

The Scoffers of Christ

This morning I read a news that talked something about the origin of Jesus Christ.

Babarao Savarkar wrote entitled: "The Hinduism of Christ." This book is being reprinted and republished this week. In this book he claims that Jesus Christ was a Tamil Brahmin. Mr. Babarao Savarkar is the brother of freedom fighter Savarkar.

According to Babarao Savarkar Jesus was born in a Vishwakarma Tamil Brahmin family. What's alarming is Babarao's claim that: Christian religion which Jesus Christ established is an offshoot of Hindu religion. He claims that Jesus' real name was Keshav Krushna, his color was  brown, His father's name was Joseph who was a 'sheshaph' (it's a common name used in Tamil language). In order to keep up with the Brahmin Tradition Jesus underwent the Ritual of  'Munja' in which the head is shaved except the center point is left unshaved. Babarao further claimed that Jesus went to the then Hindu countries of Palestine and Arabia and came back to India to learn 'Yoga'.

The absurdity of Babarao's thinking reaches to its peak when he says that Jesus was crucified for
'Yoga and Spirituality'. Further on Jesus Christ though crucified did not die, He regained His health and strength because of applying the Himalayan herbs. And then Jesus took 'Samadhi' (died) in Kashmir.

The publisher of this book is Ranjeet Savarkar who is the grandson of Babarao Savarkar claims that: the reprinting and republishing of Babarao Savarkar's book is not aimed at creating any controversy; Babarao Savarkar's books have become rare and that is why we have decided to reprint them and republish them.

My simple question to the author and the publisher of this book is: What is the basis of your claim?
If you want to know about Rama you go to Ramayana, if you want to know about Krishna and Arjuna you go to Mahabharata, similarly when you want to know about Mohammad you go to Quran. They give you ample information about the respective people. Likewise if you want to know about Jesus Christ you must go to the Bible. Does any verse in the Bible tells us what Babarao Savarkar in his book has claimed? It doesn't. And I am sure "The Hinduism of Christ" is not written after having read the Bible. I assume that Mr. Babarao Savarkar might have read the Bible and if he has; then he has misunderstood it. I hope he had quoted any Bible verse even once?

Even though the Bible doesn't tell us anything about what Mr. Babarao Savarkar has said in his book about Jesus, but the Bible does tell us about people like Babarao Savarkar: in 2 Peter 3:3, "Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts," 

I have no qualms in claiming that Babarao Savarkar's book "The Hinduism of Christ" is an attempt to scoff the Lord Jesus Christ and to strip Him of His Deity. It's an attempt to prove that Jesus Christ was a mere human being and thus it's an attack on His divinity. History is evident that there have always been attacks on Christ's divinity He has always been attempted to strip off His Deity.
Why is this the case? The answer is: if you confess His divinity it's demanding. You cannot merely agree that Jesus is God and sit on the fence, you have to follow Him. That is exactly what these scoffers don't want to do. Therefore they strip off Jesus of His Deity.

Jesus is an eternal rest to the soul that comes to Him. He said in Matthew 11:28, "Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." 

The condition is to come to Him and coming to Him involves recognizing your spiritual bankruptcy springing from your religious works. No amount of religious works can save you only Jesus's sacrifice on the Cross can save you. Only He can give you that rest because He is God. The Bible is absolutely clear that Jesus is God.

Jesus said: "I Am the Way the Truth and the Life, no one can go to the Father except through Me." (John 14:6).

Instead of following people who told us to follow the path of Truth; why not follow the Truth Himself? Jesus Christ is that Truth, HE DIED ON THE CROSS TO PAY THE PRICE OF YOUR SINS, NOT FOR YOGA OR SPIRITUALITY.

God commands you to repent and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ because He has appointed a day when He is going to judge the world. Turn from your sin of denying Jesus and from scoffing Him and He will save you.


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